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Discover SCUBA Diving Are you interested in scuba diving, but hesitant about enrolling onto the full open water training c...
PADI Open Water Diver Course PADI® Open Water Diver is the first scuba certification level. A highly-trained PADI Instructor ...
PADI Advanced Open Water Diver The Advanced Open Water Diver course is all about advancing your skills. You'll practice navigat...
PADI Rescue Diver Course The PADI Rescue Diver course is pivotal in expanding a diver's knowledge and experience. Rescue ...
TecRec Courses Consists of seven knowledge development sections, four practical application sessions and four train...
Professional Level Courses The Instructor Development Course (IDC) is made up of two parts - the Assistant Instructor (AI) cour...
PADI Mermaid Course Expand your understanding of the physical properties of the underwater world and how they affect you...
PADI Advanced Mermaid Course Elevate your mermaiding experience in open water, while refining and improving your mermaid diving s...
Mermaid Instructor Mermaid instructors can teach Discover Mermaid experience, Basic Mermaid course, Mermaid course, and...
PADI Freediver Course Your first step toward discovering why freediving is becoming a popular way to explore beneath the w...
PADI Advanced Freediver Course Achieving a new freediving time or reaching a new depth is an incredible feeling. It satisfies that ...
Emergency First Response Cours... The Emergency First Response Primary Care (CPR) and Secondary Care (First Aid) courses teach people ...
PADI Enriched Air Diver Course The PADI Enriched Air Diver course is PADI’s most popular specialty scuba diving course, and i...
PADI Drysuit Diver Course Becoming a dry suit diver allows you to expand your boundaries and dive more places, more often. Thi...
PADI Full Face Mask Course The purpose of the PADI Full Face Mask Diver course is to familiarize the diver with skills, knowled...
Dive Against Debris Make a difference on every dive by activating your inner citizen scientist. During the Dive Against ...
Project AWARE Sharks are an essential part of a healthy ocean. This course explores why they are vulnerable, the i...
Boat Dive If you’re new to boat diving or want to learn more about diving from different types of boats,...
Deep Dive During the PADI® Deep Diver course, you'll learn how to plan deep dives, manage your gas sup...
Delayed SMB Boats and currents are two common factors associated with many dive sites. Boaters don't always ...
Diver Propulsion Vehicle If scuba diving is like taking a scenic stroll around a park, a Diver Propulsion Vehicle (DPV) is li...
Emergency Oxygen Provider Knowing how and when to administer emergency oxygen is a valuable skill to have in a dive emergency....
Equipment Specialist Don't miss a dive due to minor issues with your scuba diving equipment. Whether it's a missi...
Multilevel Dive In the old days, dive profiles were calculated from the surface down to a maximum depth, then back t...
Night Dive The thought of dipping below the surface at night seems mysterious, yet so alluring. Although you...
Peak Performance Buoyancy Excellent buoyancy control is what defines skilled scuba divers. You've seen them underwater. Th...
Search and Recovery The next time someone loses an item underwater, you can be the hero that finds the missing object. ...
Self-Reliant Diver With proper training, equipment and the right attitude to accept the risks involved in independent d...
Sidemount Diver Discover the balance and efficiency of sidemount scuba diving with your PADI dive instructor. Many d...
Underwater Navigator Be the scuba diver everyone wants to follow because you know where you are and where you're goin...
体验潜水 对潜水很感兴趣,但正在犹豫是否适合参加正式的潜水培训课程?来参加“体验潜水”吧!这体验潜水课程中,我们会教你一些基本的水中技巧以及一些重要的水下通讯手势,在帮助你建立起信心之后...
PADI 开放水域潜水员课程... 请点击此处了解您的网上课程 把自己慢慢浸入到这个全新而又壮观的水下环境中吧! PADI 开放水域潜水员课程是水肺潜水的入门课程,在这门课程中你将学习到潜水的基础理论知识及各种水下基本技巧。...
PADI 进阶开放水域潜水员课程... 继续你的水下探索吧!在教练的指导下进一步地提高你的潜水技巧,探索新的潜水地点及潜水活动。PADI 进阶开放水域潜水员课程对于那些希望通过训练来提高潜水技巧的开放水域潜水员来说,是一门值得参加并充满乐趣...
PADI 救援潜水员课程 救援潜水员课程是扩展潜水员知识与经验的关键一步,救援潜水员除了需要照顾到自己之外,还需要为其他潜水员的安全作考虑。这就是为什么 PADI 的救援潜水员是一门在学习 PADI 领导课程(PADI 潜水长...
PADI 美人鱼课程 扩展您对海底世界物理特性的理解以及它们如何影响作为美人鱼的您,同时学习额外的日常、展示和问题处理技巧。 ...
PADI 进阶美人鱼课程 扩展您对海底世界物理特性的理解以及它们如何影响作为美人鱼的您,同时学习额外的日常、展示和问题处理技巧。 ...
美人鱼教练 可以教体验美人鱼,基础的美人鱼课程,美人鱼课程和进阶美人鱼课程
PADI 自由潜水员课程 自由潜没有气瓶的束缚,是自由的象征。以另一种方式进入大海,海洋生物会把你当成同类,跟你一起共游深海,这就是自由潜的魅力 ...
PADI 进阶自由潜水员课程... 获得更长的自由潜水时间,或者达到新的潜水深度可以令人兴奋。本课程可以使您做到最好,并使您对自己取得的成就感到骄傲。PADI进阶自由潜水员课程为想要提高由潜水能力的潜水员设计,本课可以帮助您循序渐进地取...
EFR 紧急第一反应急救员课程... 紧急第一反应主要救护(心肺复苏术)及次要救护(第一援助)课程教会人们在紧急状况发生的时候如何提供帮助给需要的人。在这门课程中,学员将在完全没有学习压力的环境下,练习各种模拟的突发状况时的救护技巧。这门...
PADI 干式潜水衣(防寒衣)潜水员... 想在潜水时保持温暖舒适的体温吗?那就试试干式潜水。是的,不同于湿式潜水衣,干式 潜水衣(防寒衣)能有效隔水,让你的身体保持温暖。甚至在冰冷的水域中,依然具有保温效果。 ...
PADI 高氧潜水员课程 PADI 高氧潜水员课程是 PADI 最热门的专长水肺潜水员课程,其原因是显而易见的,因为使用高氧空气潜水能够增加你的免减压潜水时间。这意味着你将有更多的水下时间,尤其是在重复潜水时。 你可以在...
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