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  • Emergency First Response Course

Emergency First Response Course

The Emergency First Response Primary Care (CPR) and Secondary Care (First Aid) courses teach people how to provide emergency care to someone in need. These courses make learning easy by providing a non-stressful environment in which participants practice and apply emergency care skills. The course is designed to:

Starting from

Availability: Contact us for booking information

help you remember the appropriate procedures during times of need, and
to encourage you to apply those procedures by assisting those needing emergency care.

 Emergency First Response Primary and Secondary Care courses are based on internationally recognized medical guidelines for emergency care - guidelines produced through a consensus process of practicing professionals in the emergency medical field. Educationally, the courses reflect a well-researched instructional design for this type of training.

This course also fulfills the prerequisites for the PADI Rescue Diver and Divemaster certifications.

How Do You Get Started

Anyone interested in learning emergency care may take these courses. There are no certification or licensure prerequisites for the Emergency First Response Primary Care (CPR) course. Also, there is no minimum age.

Course Setup

    Theory lessons
    Hands-on practical sessions
    Realistic scenarios

During the two half days or one full day, you'll learn new skills and gain confidence in your ability to help people in need.

Our Price

    PADI e-Learning - $107 w/ EFR Training after e-Learning - $50.00
    Or EFR Full Course - $160

*Full price has to be paid before class. No same-day payment is accepted.

Class Reschedule / Cancellation

Students can reschedule their class one week in advance. A $50 rescheduling fee will be charged if the class is rescheduled within the week prior to the class. If a student cancels the class within the week prior, the cancellation fee is $100.

Big Blue upholds the highest standards in the diving industry.

Please call 1(516)869-1888 or email  info@bigbluescuba.com for more information.

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